Welcome to the Back-to-School Edition of What's on in STEM City USA! We are excited to share with you the latest updates in the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This edition highlights the cutting-edge research and groundbreaking innovations that have been taking place in these fields.
STEM City USA has a rich history of groundbreaking discoveries and cutting-edge research. Historically, our city has been at the forefront of transformative innovations that have significantly impacted the world.
Today, we continue to lead the way in groundbreaking research, cutting-edge technology, and transformative ideas that are reshaping the world as we know it.
Our city is rapidly growing into a global hub for cutting-edge research and transformative ideas. With an actively engaged community of researchers, educators, and innovators, we are closely working together to push the boundaries of what is possible.
Our offshore collaborations and partnerships, as well as our annual international events, bring together the brightest minds from around the world to share their cutting-edge research and transformative ideas.
We are primarily focused on promoting environmentally sustainable innovations that can significantly impact the world. Our closely-knit community of researchers and innovators is actively working towards developing transformative solutions that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible.
We believe that our cutting-edge research can make a significant impact on the world and help us leave a better planet for future generations.
In conclusion, we hope that you find this Back-to-School Edition of What's on in STEM City USA informative and engaging. We are excited to share with you the groundbreaking research and transformative innovations taking place in our city. Thank you for your continued support and interest in our city's cutting-edge research and transformative ideas.
Sunday, Sept. 10
HBCU Nation iRadio | The HBCU Nation 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM ET Join our Host Anthony Ray as he leads lively, engaging discussions with HBCU advocates, policymakers, authors, and others to promote the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
24-Hour HBCU Nation Smart TV | The HBCU Nation 24-Hour Programming With a weekly reach of over 35 million listeners, The HBCU Nation Radio Show is the only nationally syndicated talk show in America that exclusively promotes the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with Literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
NASA TV Live | SC24News 24 Hour Programming NASA TV airs various regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day. In addition, this channel also provides an array of live programs, such as coverage of missions, events (spacewalks, media interviews, educational broadcasts), press conferences, and rocket launches.
Black USA News | SC24News 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET Each morning host Doni Glover features news from Washington, D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Baltimore.
POD TV – Food for Thought | SC24News 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM ET Modern Investing Chef Eula Jean’s Kitchen | SC24News 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM ET Chef Eula is a vegan chef. Sharing her knowledge about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
24/7 Lofi Radio | Steward Jazz Club 24-Hour Programming Study, Work, Productivity, Relax
24-Hour Christian Lofi Radio | Steward Auditorium 24-Hour Programming Study, Pray, Sleep, Relax
Monday, Sept. 11
HBCU Nation iRadio | The HBCU Nation 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM ET Join our Host Anthony Ray as he leads lively, engaging discussions with HBCU advocates, policymakers, authors, and others to promote the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
24-Hour HBCU Nation Smart TV | The HBCU Nation 24-Hour Programming With a weekly reach of over 35 million listeners, The HBCU Nation Radio Show is the only nationally syndicated talk show in America that exclusively promotes the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with Literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
NASA TV Live | SC24News 24 Hour Programming NASA TV airs various regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day. In addition, this channel also provides an array of live programs, such as coverage of missions, events (spacewalks, media interviews, educational broadcasts), press conferences, and rocket launches.
Black USA News | SC24News 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET Each morning host Doni Glover features news from Washington, D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Baltimore.
POD TV – Food for Thought | SC24News 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM ET Empowering You
24/7 Lofi Radio | Steward Jazz Club 24-Hour Programming Study, Work, Productivity, Relax
24-Hour Christian Lofi Radio | Steward Auditorium 24-Hour Programming Study, Pray, Sleep, Relax
Tuesday, Sept. 12
HBCU Nation iRadio | The HBCU Nation 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM ET Join our Host Anthony Ray as he leads lively, engaging discussions with HBCU advocates, policymakers, authors, and others to promote the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
24-Hour HBCU Nation Smart TV | The HBCU Nation 24-Hour Programming With a weekly reach of over 35 million listeners, The HBCU Nation Radio Show is the only nationally syndicated talk show in America that exclusively promotes the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with Literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
NASA TV Live | SC24News 24 Hour Programming NASA TV airs various regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day. In addition, this channel also provides an array of live programs, such as coverage of missions, events (spacewalks, media interviews, educational broadcasts), press conferences, and rocket launches.
Black USA News | SC24News 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET Each morning host Doni Glover features news from Washington, D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Baltimore
POD TV – Food for Thought | SC24News 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM ET Empowering You
24/7 Lofi Radio | Steward Jazz Club 24-Hour Programming Study, Work, Productivity, Relax
24-Hour Christian Lofi Radio | Steward Auditorium 24-Hour Programming Study, Pray, Sleep, Relax

Wednesday, Sept. 13
HBCU Nation iRadio | The HBCU Nation 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM ET Join our Host Anthony Ray as he leads lively, engaging discussions with HBCU advocates, policymakers, authors, and others to promote the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
24-Hour HBCU Nation Smart TV | The HBCU Nation 24-Hour Programming With a weekly reach of over 35 million listeners, The HBCU Nation Radio Show is the only nationally syndicated talk show in America that exclusively promotes the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with Literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
NASA TV Live | SC24News 24 Hour Programming NASA TV airs various regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day. In addition, this channel also provides an array of live programs, such as coverage of missions, events (spacewalks, media interviews, educational broadcasts), press conferences, and rocket launches.
Black USA News | SC24News 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET Each morning host Doni Glover features news from Washington, D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Baltimore.
POD TV – Food for Thought | SC24News 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM ET Empowering You
24/7 Lofi Radio | Steward Jazz Club 24-Hour Programming Study, Work, Productivity, Relax
24-Hour Christian Lofi Radio | Steward Auditorium 24-Hour Programming Study, Pray, Sleep, Relax
Thursday, Sept. 14
HBCU Nation iRadio | The HBCU Nation 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM ET Join our Host Anthony Ray as he leads lively, engaging discussions with HBCU advocates, policymakers, authors, and others to promote the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
24-Hour HBCU Nation Smart TV | The HBCU Nation 24-Hour Programming With a weekly reach of over 35 million listeners, The HBCU Nation Radio Show is the only nationally syndicated talk show in America that exclusively promotes the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with Literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
NASA TV Live | SC24News 24 Hour Programming NASA TV airs various regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day. In addition, this channel also provides an array of live programs, such as coverage of missions, events (spacewalks, media interviews, educational broadcasts), press conferences, and rocket launches.
Black USA News | SC24News 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET Each morning host Doni Glover features news from Washington, D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Baltimore.
POD TV – Food for Thought | SC24News 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM ET Empowering You
24/7 Lofi Radio | Steward Jazz Club 24-Hour Programming Study, Work, Productivity, Relax
24-Hour Christian Lofi Radio | Steward Auditorium 24-Hour Programming Study, Pray, Sleep, Relax
Friday, Sept. 15
HBCU Nation iRadio | The HBCU Nation 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM ET Join our Host Anthony Ray as he leads lively, engaging discussions with HBCU advocates, policymakers, authors, and others to promote the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
24-Hour HBCU Nation Smart TV | The HBCU Nation 24-Hour Programming With a weekly reach of over 35 million listeners, The HBCU Nation Radio Show is the only nationally syndicated talk show in America that exclusively promotes the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with Literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
NASA TV Live | SC24News 24 Hour Programming NASA TV airs various regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day. In addition, this channel also provides an array of live programs, such as coverage of missions, events (spacewalks, media interviews, educational broadcasts), press conferences, and rocket launches.
Black USA News | SC24News 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET Each morning host Doni Glover features news from Washington, D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Baltimore.
POD TV – Food for Thought | SC24News 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM ET Empowering You
24/7 Lofi Radio | Steward Jazz Club 24-Hour Programming Study, Work, Productivity, Relax
24-Hour Christian Lofi Radio | Steward Auditorium 24-Hour Programming Study, Pray, Sleep, Relax
Saturday, Sept. 16
HBCU Nation iRadio | The HBCU Nation 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM ET Join our Host Anthony Ray as he leads lively, engaging discussions with HBCU advocates, policymakers, authors, and others to promote the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
24-Hour HBCU Nation Smart TV | The HBCU Nation 24-Hour Programming With a weekly reach of over 35 million listeners, The HBCU Nation Radio Show is the only nationally syndicated talk show in America that exclusively promotes the most recent initiative of The HBCU Nation, supporting the K-16 pipeline with Literacy programs, innovative STEM workshops, and music to capture the imagination of our future leaders.
NASA TV Live | SC24News 24 Hour Programming NASA TV airs various regularly scheduled, pre-recorded educational and public relations programming 24 hours a day. In addition, this channel also provides an array of live programs, such as coverage of missions, events (spacewalks, media interviews, educational broadcasts), press conferences, and rocket launches.
Black USA News | SC24News 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM ET Each morning host Doni Glover features news from Washington, D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Baltimore.
POD TV – Food for Thought | SC24News 12:00 PM – 12:30 PM ET Empowering You
24/7 Lofi Radio | Steward Jazz Club 24-Hour Programming Study, Work, Productivity, Relax
24-Hour Christian Lofi Radio | Steward Auditorium 24-Hour Programming Study, Pray, Sleep, Relax