Meet Erron Williams, a remarkable student who stood out from the crowd during his freshman year at the University of Houston. As a Program for Mastery in Engineering Studies (PROMES) Scholar, Erron attended BEYA for the first time and later joined the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), serving on chapter executive boards.
During his tenure, the chapter won the Texas Most Outstanding Chapter and Regional and National Chapter of the Year awards. Erron oversaw 30 NSBE Jr. chapters as Pre-College Initiative (PCI) chair in a 10-state region.
After transferring to Prairie View A&M University, Erron continued his service as the NSBE Region 5 vice chair, where he created the operating guidelines and accountability system still in use today. He also launched the NSBE Jr. Ambassadors Program as PCI chair.
Erron's impressive scholarship, maintaining a 3.41 GPA, and service to others earned him induction into Tau Beta Pi and Omega Chi Epsilon Honor Societies. He completed two internships, one for Halliburton and the other for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.
The oldest of three sons from an immigrant family in Houston, Erron was also nominated for the Student Leadership Undergraduate Level Award at BEYA 2023. He was recognized by faculty and his peers at Prairie View A&M and accepted the award during BEYA's Historically Black College and University Engineering Deans Recognition Event.
As a chemical engineering student, Erron reflected on his journey, saying that he was inspired by the Black excellence around him during his first BEYA Conference five years ago. He aspired to win an award in about ten years but never imagined that he would receive the award so soon. Erron expressed his gratitude to God, his parents, NSBE, his professors, and Dr. Henderson, his first mentor and the first engineer in his field who believed in his potential to be great. Read more about the graduating senior here.
Erron recently shared on LinkedIn that he has accepted a full-time position with Oxy as a Chemical Process Engineer at the PVC plant in Pasadena, Texas. He expressed gratitude to those at Oxy who recommended him during the interview process and gave a special shout-out to the HR team for their support throughout the process. His start date is set for this July.