Seven students from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County were among a group of 153 to graduate from the National Academy of Engineering's NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program in 2018.
The students all received diplomas from their institutions across the United States and abroad, an NAE statement said.
The NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program is an offshoot of the NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st-century.
According to the NAE, an international group of technology leaders was asked to identify the grand challenges for engineering. Their goals for improving life on the planet, announced in 2008, fall into sustainability, health, security, and knowledge.
The NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program combines cocurricular and extra-curricular courses designed to prepare students to tackle these fourteen goals that could dramatically improve the quality of life around the world.
The College of Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology was one of the first to create a Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP). Six Georgia Tech students were recognized as Grand Challenge Scholars in 2018.
"I am confident it will inspire our students to strive higher and address this century’s Grand Challenges with a global mindset," said Gary S. May, dean of the College of Engineering at the launch of the program.
Freshmen and transfer students are introduced to GCSP early in their Georgia Tech careers, and potential scholars develop plans to fulfill components of the program, including a hands-on project or research, interdisciplinary learning experience, and entre- or intrapreneurship experience.
There are more than 20 active GCSPs in the United States and 160 NAE-designated Grand Challenge Scholars have graduated to date. Half of the graduates are women.
In partnership with Eugene DeLoatch, dean emeritus at Morgan State University, Career Communications Group CEO and publisher Tyrone Taborn designed a series of NAE Grand Challenge-focused events for historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs).
Please click on the links below for scenes from Temple University, Howard University, and the University of the District of Columbia during the NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering HBCU Tour.
HBCU Engineering Deans and Philly Engineering Deans Greatest Challenge Tour
Howard University Greatest Challenge Tour
UDC Greatest Challenge Tour