
May is Military Appreciation Month and USBE Magazine is featuring past issues that honor the sacrifices and dedication of service members.
This observance aims to raise awareness and encourage appreciation of those who serve or have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Click on the links below to read about USBE's annual Top Blacks in the Military list, which spotlights flag-rank officers, including admirals, generals, and federal Senior Executive Service members.
These men and women have shown courage under fire, wisdom, resourcefulness, and unwavering loyalty to their nation.
Despite Black officers making up less than 6% of the highest levels, there are still more of them in the military's top ranks than in the percentage of Black executives on the highest rungs of corporate America.
BEYA Stars and Stripes is one of the nation's most significant events honoring active and retired African American admirals, generals, and members of the Senior Executive Service.
The featured service of the Stars and Stripes event at the BEYA STEM Conference alternates each year between the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Guard Bureau.
USBE magazine releases an annual list of Top Blacks in the Military, which highlights flag-rank officers such as admirals, generals, and federal Senior Executive Service members.
The Veterans issue of the magazine also showcases the various STEM career opportunities available in the country's defense industry.
The magazine's special feature is the "Top Blacks in the Military" section, which focuses on the outstanding achievements of flag-rank officers.
This issue of the magazine is also distributed at the Stars and Stripes Military Tribute and Veterans Transition Initiative during the BEYA STEM DTX Conference. Read on...
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