
Career Communications Group’s Pre-College Program has announced another BEYA STEM Career Day online.
The K-12 event will be co-hosted by Moria Bowman, BEYA Career Day Teen Ambassador, and Salihah Hurst, also a Teen Ambassador.
The two-hour session is designed for students from kindergarten through 12th grade and provides information on career pathways in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) occupations.
Saturday's featured speaker is Capt. Alex Hampton, a naval aviator in the United States Navy.
Register now and get answers to everything you ever wanted to know about exciting careers from the professionals that do them every day. Click here to register now.
Also, visit Full STEM Ahead (https://www.fullstemahead.us/) for information.
BEYA STEM CAREER DAY Date June 12, 2021 Check-in: 11:30am Program: 12pm - 2pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Previous BEYA STEM Career Day speakers have included Leilani Macedo, founding president of CLICS, and Charles Brown, chief executive officer, CLICS, the hair industry’s first digital hair color studio.
Last fall, Career Communications Group (CCG), producer of US Black Engineer magazine and the BEYA STEM Conference, co-hosted the first BEYA Stars and Stripes Career Day in partnership with retired Vice Admiral Walter Davis.
More than 200 people registered for the digital event featuring Charles Bolden, a former astronaut/NASA Administrator and BEYA winner.
CCG founder and CEO Dr. Tyrone Taborn gave the opening remarks at the BEYA Stars and Stripes Career Day K-12 virtual career day. Other speakers included retired Vice Admiral David L. Brewer, a former superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District, Dr. Cynthia Warrick, President of Stillman College, and high school mathematics teacher and engineer Vatrice Gibbs.
The BEYA 2020 Stars and Stripes STEM Career Day featured five panels for elementary students ages 7-10, middle school students ages 10-14, and high school students ages 14-18. Topics included engineering, healthcare, and computers, and space.
Panel speakers included retired Brigadier General Velma Richardson, retired Brigadier General Allyson Solomon, retired Brigadier General David Turner, retired Rear Admiral Randy Mahr, retired Colonel AI Trimble, Dr. Crystal Bowman, Senior Executive Service (SES) member Renata Spinks, Dr. Kyla McMullen, Dr. Lisa Thompson, Dr. Donna Bell, global director, technology and features strategy and planning at Ford Motor Company, Dr. Kathy Delva, Deepa Deepa, director of global supply chain at Boston Scientific, retired Navy Carrier Pilot Lieutenant commander Matt Bowman, and two professors from the U.S Naval Academy Lieutenant commander Yasmine Sauls and Lieutenant (LT) Yvette Armstrong.