Join Leading Voices on July 28th for an innovation summit hosted in STEM City USA and on the BEYA STEM DTX platform. This year's forum expands on key issues in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education, encompassing technological advancements spearheaded by leading supporters of historically Black college and university (HBCU) engineering schools. Click here to register.
The symposium will feature seminars led by leaders from 16 ABET-accredited HBCU engineering schools. These sessions will spotlight the transformative collaborations between HBCU programs and their supporting partners, underlining their concerted efforts to propel young people in STEM fields.
One of the summit's highlights will be the 2023 Top Supporters recognition ceremony, shedding light on crucial contributors who have been instrumental in enhancing developmental initiatives at HBCU engineering schools.
The 20th annual Top Supporters of HBCU Engineering list was released in the spring of 2023.
The annual list of the top supporters of historically Black college and university (HBCU) engineering schools list ranks employers considered most supportive of HBCU engineering programs. The list includes some of the largest industry, government, and nonprofit organizations employing scientists and engineers.
The 2023 list comprises aerospace and defense manufacturers, automotive manufacturing companies, semiconductor chip manufacturers, technology companies, e-commerce companies, information security and intelligence services, medical devices, and healthcare companies.
Top government and nonprofit supporters in 2023 include NASA, the Army Corps of Engineers, the Department of Energy, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Transportation, the National Security Agency, the Department of Defense, the Air Force, Sandia National Laboratories, NAVSEA, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture, Applied Research Lab at Penn State, and the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command. Click here for the top-ranked companies.
Since 2003, HBCU engineering deans and the Advancing Minorities' Interest in Engineering (AMIE) corporate-academic alliance have completed Career Communications Group's annual survey.
While making their decision, HBCU engineering deans consider support for infrastructure modernization and enhancement, research, participation in advisory councils, faculty development opportunities, scholarships, student projects, stipends, internship and co-op opportunities, and job offers related to STEM fields.
The survey asks respondents to list the corporate and government/nonprofit organizations that support their schools the most. In completing the annual survey, the institutions consider support for infrastructure modernization and enhancement, research and mentorship projects, participation in advisory councils, faculty development opportunities, scholarships, student projects, stipends, co-ops, and career opportunities. Click here to register