Each year the Women of Color Conference gathers an audience of the nation's respected leaders in science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine from Fortune 500 companies to government entities and colleges and universities to recognize the achievements of women from diverse backgrounds who create innovation and inspiration.
This year, the prestigious Technologist of the Year will be awarded to Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams.
Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams, PhD, RN, FAAN became the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health in January 2019.
Dr. Trent-Adams is a champion for the greater appreciation of the science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine disciplines, particularly for underrepresented minorities, at both the undergraduate and graduate school.
She has spent 25 years of her career in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, a group of nearly 7,000 public health professionals who work within the government to advance the health of the nation.
From 2013 to 2016, Rear Admiral Trent-Adams served as U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps Chief Nurse Officer. RADM Trent-Adams is not the first nurse to hold the position as Acting Surgeon General in 2017, but she was the first non-physician to hold the spot.
Most recently, Dr. Trent-Adams has been recognized by colleagues for her leadership in public health excellence as the country seeks to recover from COVID-19 by working alongside her officers during this pandemic, as it's impact has devastated the African-American community.
The recognition is fitting with the Women of Color STEM Conference's 2020 addition of the Global Health Security Track, which will align learning goals of corporate and government organizations and provide a window into the emerging global challenges.
This track will be available to attendees through the new hybrid learning environment for onsite attendees as well as those in attendance virtually.