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Apple Computer, Inc. listed a Career Communications Group, Inc. (CCG) seminar on their iPod directory.
CCG's Professional Development for Women and Minorities, a cutting edge professional-track seminar, can be downloaded from Apple's iTunes website which features thousands of podcasts. Podcasts are recorded audio files, distributed via Internet download.
CCG readers and conference participants can now download content over the Internet to a digital device like a computer, or MP3 player. Podcasting is similar to a radio show that you can listen to whenever, and wherever you want.
According to CCG's publisher and CEO Tyrone Taborn, We are at the intersection of combining professional development with the newest technology of Podcasting. Podcasting will allow our members and subscribers to carry in their pockets the nation's thought leaders who conduct cutting-edge career and professional development seminars at our events.
Podcasting uses RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to deliver the content.
Click here to access the CCG Podcast. If you don’t already have iTunes, the link will take you where you need to download iTunes for Windows