Andrew Ambris joined Lockheed Martin Corp. as an intern, before transitioning to full-time after graduating in May of 2005 with a bachelor's degree in computer engineering. During his early days at Lockheed, he participated in the prestigious Engineering Leadership Development Program (ELDP). After graduating from the ELDP in 2009, he settled into his career.
Each position was a stretch assignment posing unique challenges that required Andrew to grow and develop new skills. These roles include track management, product owner, integrated product lead, and currently lead for the command, control, and communication (C3) systems engineering organization.
Andrew is developing designs that will lay the foundation for breakthroughs in the defense industry. He is helping to break down stove pipe designs as the team incorporates machine learning, data analytics, and state-of-the-art filtering techniques to support key command and control functionality.
His work ethic and drive got him noticed by management. Andrew has been sought after to take on increasing responsibility. In his current role as the ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems engineering lead, he is responsible for every aspect of development within an organization building a complex combat system.
As the combat system evolves, Andrew constantly adopts new strategies and development techniques to support the team's goals. He often works overtime to ensure that each team member understands their assignment and the steps required to complete it. On the night before any vacation, you can find him working into the night to ensure his team understands their tasks for the time he is out of the office.
Andrew sets a great example of what a good leader should be. His depth of knowledge, work ethic, and the high standards he holds himself to inspire others to push past their limits in C3 systems. Andrew is an active participant in affinity groups and professional associations and a dedicated mentor of junior engineers.