Dream 4 It, Inc. has announced a summer night celebration. Since 2008 the Dream 4 It Foundation has committed itself to raise funds to support high school seniors for their first year of college. To date, the foundation has awarded $161, 000.00 in scholarship awards.
The Dream4It Foundation also publicly honors individuals whose humanitarian deeds substantially improve the quality of life of Maryland State citizens. Click here to get more information on tickets for the event.
Find out more at www.dream4it.net
According to the announcement, Dr. Anthony Brown, president of the Dream 4 It Foundation, Michelle Jackson, and Micah Smith will be hosting the celebration, including a special appearance by some of Baltimore’s all-time greats.
The dinner, music, and fellowship event will take place in Randallstown, MD, and the fundraiser will congratulate scholarship recipients, and honor members of the community. To date, the foundation has awarded some $144,000.00 in scholarships and book stipends.
In addition to its general scholarship fund, two families have approved special scholarship designations in honor of their loved ones. Click here to visit Dream 4 It for more information on how to contribute to the Reginald Combs and Mark E. Griffin Memorial Scholarships.