The BEYA Leading Voices Summit will reconvene Friday, June 24 in STEM City USA. In addition to US Black Engineer magazine’s big reveal of who’s who in the 2022 top supporters of engineering schools at historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), the summit aims to shine a light on innovators and inventors at minority-serving institutions (MSIs). Click here to register now.
David Wilson, Ed.D., president of Morgan State University, and other thought leaders will headline engaging events on STEM City USA. Expert commentators will present ground-breaking concepts on research and institutional advancement.
The summit will also showcase the latest technological innovations from top supporters of ABET-accredited HBCU engineering schools and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) programs. During the event, participants will hear from vice presidents of research and development at HBCUs and MSIs.
Seminars lined up for the event will feature technology commercialization, economic development, taking research at HBCUs and MSIs to market, artificial intelligence (AI) and HBCUs, the transformative power of 5G, and the US Black Engineer reveal.
The upcoming summit will spotlight researchers and academic officers working to create partnerships between HBCUs and tech companies to produce today’s incredible technological innovations. This summit will expand on showcasing minorities in research science to include the latest technological innovations by companies featured in US Black Engineer magazine’s annual top supporters of HBCU engineering schools list.
The BEYA Leading Voices Summit will highlight successful partnerships between vice presidents of research and development at HBCUs; and celebrate significant tech development milestones at accredited ABET-accreditedHBCU schools.
The summit will also assemble an environment where technology companies can connect with HBCU leaders, and reveal who’s who on the last of USBE magazine’s 2022 Top Supporters of HBCU Engineering Schools. You will hear from exceptional innovators in diverse technical fields including medicine, bioengineering, government, technology, and research.
Save the Date: Friday, June 24 Start time: 9:00 a.m. EST Where: BEYA STEM DTX Platform Presenter: David Wilson, Ed.D., president of Morgan State University Click here to register now.