Darryll J. Pines, Ph.D. is the new president of the University of Maryland. His tenure at the public research university in College Park, MD began on July 1. Read his fascinating story in the upcoming issue of US Black Engineer magazine, featuring the first-ever list of influential college presidents, provosts, and academic deans. Stay tuned for the next issue of USBE magazine.
In an announcement from the Office of the Chancellor, Dr. Jay A. Perman praised Pines’s long and distinguished service to UMD.
“This is the first major appointment since I became chancellor, and it’s something that I felt we had to get absolutely right—so I couldn’t be more pleased to see Darryll Pines appointed as the next president of the University of Maryland, College Park,” Perman said.
In 2019, Pines was elected to the National Academy of Engineering for his “inspirational leadership and contributions to engineering education.” Board of Regents Chair Linda Gooden said in a statement that “Dr. Pines brings to the position a wealth of experience. I know I speak for the entire board when I say we’ve found precisely the right person for this important job—College Park will indeed be in good hands.” Pines has served as both dean and the Nariman Farvardin Professor of Aerospace Engineering at the Clark School since January 2009.
Click the links below to read more about Black Educators at Top Universities
Kurt L. Schmoke, president of the University of Baltimore
Dr. Gregory Washington, president of George Mason University
Dr. Gilda Barabino, president of Olin College of Engineering, and professor of biomedical and chemical engineering
Dr. Chris Howard, president of Robert Morris University
Dr. Roy M. Wilson, president of Wayne State University
Dr. Joanne Berger-Sweeney, president of Trinity College
Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, president, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and The Honorable Shirley Ann Jackson, president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dr. Reginald DesRoches, provost of Rice University